Higher Examination Scores

Each year from 1995 to 1997, 100 per cent of students at Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Lancashire, U.K., passed the General Certificate of Secondary Education national examination in five or more subjects at the top three grading levels, in contrast to a national percentage ranging from 43 per cent to 46 per cent during these three years.

Comment from a 12 year old student in a school in Detroit, where the Transcendental Meditation program has been implemented:

“At first in science I got a ‘B’, but now (after learning Transcendental Meditation) my grade is up to an ‘A’.”

Comments from three students in the first government school in Portugal using the Transcendental Meditation program:

“I feel more focussed in class. My grades were a bit lower than they are now. I used to have a 2 in Protuguese. I started Transcendental Meditation and my grades have improved and I have been scoring 3 and 3+.”

It (the practice of Transcendental Meditation) has brought me a lot of benefits in several areas: Socially, at school, grades have improved.”

“Anxiety has reduced and now if you look at my grades I have ‘A’s, I have mostly ‘A’s and one or two ‘B’s. “