Questions and Answers on Consciousness-Based Education

1. What is the advantage of Consciousness-Based education?
Consciousness-Based education is unique in giving students a way to systematically develop their unlimited inner creative potential as they are gaining knowledge of the different subjects of study. The specific technology, which allows this development, is the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs added to the daily routine of the school.

Hundreds of research studies document the benefits of this technology for mental development, brain functioning, health, social behavior, and society.

In addition, Consciousness-Based education includes teaching techniques that relate the subject the students are studying to their own potential for greatness. This approach makes the process of gaining knowledge more personal and fulfilling to the students. As a result of the rapid growth of the students’ mental abilities and inner happiness, the common school problems do not arise (see Solution to Educational Problems).

2. Do the students in Consciousness-Based schools perform well in their academic subjects?
Yes! The unique state of restful alertness created by Transcendental Meditation, combined with the highly effective teaching techniques, result in the students excelling in their academic performance. Decades of research and educational outcomes verify the high quality of academic performance in Consciousness-Based schools.

3. Is there an opportunity for students to creatively express themselves and grow in artistic ability?
Yes. There are frequent stimulating opportunities for students to creatively express themselves in Consciousness-Based schools. At the end of each week they creatively synthesize and present what they have learned at the end of each lesson, each day, and each week. At the end of the month, they write and present for parents and teachers original skits, songs, art, mathematics and science demonstrations, etc., based on the most important knowledge from all their classes. In addition, students take ongoing courses in music, art, and dance.

4. Why are Consciousness-Based middle and secondary schools called Invincibility Schools?
The students of Consciousness-Based middle and secondary schools learn the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi program, with Yogic Flying, in addition to the Transcendental Meditation technique. The TM-Sidhi program has been scientifically demonstrated on the individual level to enhance the orderliness of brain functioning. When practiced in large groups, this creates an influence of positivity in the whole environment.

Many research studies have shown that when the group of Yogic Flyers is large enough, the whole society benefits: negative trends, such as crime and civil disorder, decrease; and positive social and economic trends increase. The cumulative positive changes, brought about by these large groups are in the direction of national invincibility—a quality of national life, which disallows any destructive influence from within or outside the country’s borders that could disrupt the integrity of the nation.

One large school or university can contribute this influence of invincibility to the nation. That is why Consciousness-Based middle and secondary schools with Yogic Flyers are called Invincibility Schools.

5. How does an Invincibility School specifically differ from other schools?
Please see “The Four Basic Components of Consciousness-Based Education“

6. Why is separate education for girls and boys recommended?
Extensive experience, corroborated by an ever-increasing body of research, shows that girls and boys in their own academic atmosphere focus more easily, learn more easily, perform at higher academic levels, develop greater self-confidence, and more readily develop leadership.
When combined with the Technology of Consciousness, which cultures the natural experience of feeling at home with everyone and everything, Consciousness-Based education prepares graduates who are strong, flexible, comfortable with themselves and others, com-passionate, and increasingly able to make right choices as their life unfolds.

7. Are students prepared to do well on the state and national examinations?
Yes. The students of Consciousness-Based schools throughout the world consistently perform at the top level of state examinations and national tests, even though there are no academic entry requirements for any of these schools. Excellent examination performance is a natural result for students whose intelligence, comprehension, and sharp focus is increasing, and anxiety and stress is dissolving.

The whole approach to classroom teaching in Consciousness-Based schools emphasizes the students’ mastery of the subjects in a precise but comfortable way. In addition, in countries that have state and national examinations, students are given extra days to prepare.

8. Do the students participate in sports?
Yes! Students take sports classes daily. In addition, they practice basic Yoga exercises prior to their twice-daily Transcendental Meditation program.

9. Does the school use standard textbooks?
Yes. Teacher’s research and select the most highly recommended current textbooks in their subjects to use as the basic knowledge of their courses.

10. If students transfer to another school, will they be prepared to enter the same grade level?
Yes. Educational outcomes of Consciousness-Based schools worldwide consistently show the students performing at the highest academic levels. In addition, students coming from Consciousness-Based schools radiate exceptional kindness, positivity, and confidence.

11. What is the cost of tuition?
The cost of tuition of Consciousness-Based schools and universities is comparable to other high-quality, non- subsidized schools and universities in that country.

12. Can parents be assured that the Consciousness-Based school will continue?
The parents of the students are the key factor for the continuity of the school. Parents can be assured that the highest academic standards and quality of education will always be maintained; the Consciousness-Based school system has it own accrediting procedures in addition to the oversight by the governments and other educational organizations.